A Work of Art

Photo art: Elke Dierckx

Friday, 31 March 2023. Paradiso Bassevelde. Mótha- the experience II.

‘I should write something about this one’, I said afterwards to Maarten and Thomas.  ‘Yeah! You really should’, my boys replied. Only to find a shortage of words after my initial enthusiasm… How to describe what actually happened that friday?

Let’s give it a try, starting off with the words you, our audience, used to describe this experience:

A trip.
A trance.
A flow.
A meditation.
A bomb of energy and sensation.
An intimate concert.
An expression of freedom.
A provocative improvisation.
A moving performance.
An extra ordinary ritual.
An incantation.
An experience.
A Work of Art.

We were most delighted to hear this last one.

A Work of Art. To be experienced. Not with the mind, opinionated, reviewed, compared, evaluated, rated good or bad or graded on a scale of this many stars or that many points. 

No. A work af art as a personal, sensory, emotional experience. Every one of you opened up to it in another way, experienced it differently, related to it in various stories. Some wanted to dance, some watched it mesmerized, some closed their eyes to listen in deep contemplation, some wanted to bath in the energy, some tried to capture it, drawing, filming, photographing us. 

We loved it all. 

When you ask Maarten what he experienced, he’ll answer: I don’t know, I was far, far away. When you ask Thomas what he experienced, he’ll answer with a deep groan. When you ask me what I experienced, I will answer: you know what, I will try to write about it. 

And write in circles. You know what? Come and experience Mótha‘s artwork for yourself one day. Feel our breath of life and love and how it might touch you.

Greetings from the Mòthaland,

Maarten, Thomas And Nele


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